ORGAN India was invited to be one of the panellists by Rajalakshmi Engineering College Chennai for a panel discussion during their annual event Ascensions 2020. The virtual event was organised by REC in collaboration with Young Indians and YUVA. The panel discussion was done on youth, organ donation and the quest to save lives. Dr. Geetika Vashisth represented ORGAN India at the panel discussion along with other panel members such as Dr. Vivekanandan Shanmugam, Liver transplant surgeon, Managing director, RPS hospitals, Chennai; Dr. Senthil Kumar Nallusamy, Chief consultant Interventional Cardiologist, RANA Hospital, Trichy; Pritesh Gudge, Researcher and Transplant recipient; and Harshitha Gupta, Health Chair, YI Chennai. The discussion was webcasted live and attended by hundreds of students.