Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota thouroughly entertained the audience at FICCI auditorium on December 12th with his ghazals and bhajans to raise awareness on organ donation. Anup Ji is the the Chief Patron of the ORGAN India, an initiative of the Parashar Foundation. Chief Guest, Director General of Health Services, Dr. Jagdish Prasad inagurated the event along with Mr. P. Khanna, Business Head, Hero Corporate Services Limited, Shefali Munjal and Mrs. Kirti Parashar.
Dr. Prasad spoke of the need to increase awareness on organ donation and how ORGAN India has done a commendable job.
Before the concert, a short film on organ donation was screened in the presence of families who had donated the organs of their loved ones.
Amongst the guests were the Director of NOTTO, Dr. Saudan Singh, officers of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Pallavi Kumar from MOHAN Foundation and all our supporters and and donors who came in full force to support ORGAN India. A very big THANK YOU to everyone who has been there for us!