For those in Delhi and the National Capital Region, the Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti is a registered Public Charitable Society that takes care of body donation. Its fields of work include organ donations, body donations, blood donation, stem-cell donation registry and other causes for persons with disability. Its area of operations is in Delhi/NCR.
You can obtain form for registering pledge for donation and for information about this subject by downloading the form given, filling it out and posting it to the address’s given in the form.
It is necessary that you discuss your resolve to donate your body in your family and make a consensus. The form containing your pledge for body donation is required to have two witnesses, at least one from your family. You may courier the completed form to the office the Samiti.
The process of registration is completed with the receipt of your form in the Samiti office. However, the Samiti shall invite you with your witnesses to a ‘Dehdaniyon Ka Utsav’ for executing your will for body/organs donation and to receive your certificate and I-Card.
The Donation
Upon the death of a donor, his family is to make a call on any of these numbers. 0-981-012-7735 / 0-981-110-6331 / 0-958-288-3432 / 0-981-834-5704.
The Samiti thereafter co-ordinates with the donor’s family and makes all arrangements for the donation of the organs/body to a Govt. Medical Institution in Delhi.