Posts Tagged "hand transplant"

The Most Generous Gesture, Ever

Posted On: March 9, 2017  By:
generous pic
Manu, in a subconscious gesture, held his wife’s hand gently. It was a tiny, fleeting move, but it was poignantly beautiful. It showed the integration, in his mind, of another’s hands in his body.

Hand Transplantation – From Despair To Hope

Posted On: May 20, 2016  By:
A team of doctors from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi achieve a rare feat of the first successful double hand transplant in the nation and any developing country till date. Watch their story.

A Handsome Gift

Posted On: May 20, 2016  By:
organ recipient
The hopes of performing India’s first hand transplant looked bleak as several brain-dead patient’s relatives had turned down our request. “Take everything else,” they had said. “Not the hands.” We had become resigned to the fact that we may never do a hand transplant.