It’s A “Yes” Till You Get A “No”

Posted On: September 8, 2015  By:
organ donation
All of us involved in the process of organ donation need to have a belief in not just the goodness of the cause, but in the goodness of the people. These 5 stories show you just how true this is.

Hvovi’s Heart

Posted On: August 13, 2015  By:
A mother faced with a dying child receives the ultimate gift from another mother who lost her son. A miracle followed by more miracles aided by doctors, government organizations, police and the large hearted residents of Chennai.

Kidney Transplant – Misconceptions & Truths

Posted On: August 3, 2015  By:
Misconceptions & Truths of Kidney Transplant
Longevity and quality of life is far better after a transplant than on dialysis. But in India barely 2% of all patients undergo a kidney transplant. Lack of awareness, gender imbalances, & deterrence from some doctors all hamper the process.

Organ Transplants – Laws & Ethics

Posted On: July 31, 2015  By:
Laws of Organ Donation in India
The limits of transplantation are being redefined by success of complex transplants such as limbs and face, which were hitherto only science fiction. The science of transplantation has progressed fast, but poses many legal and ethical questions.

Have You Told Your Family Yet?

Posted On: July 24, 2015  By:
organ donation
All our public awareness initiatives on organ donation amount to nothing unless we ensure that the family members of every registered donor is not just informed of his/her decision, but is engaged in a dialogue on this issue.

Aman’s Gift

Posted On: June 22, 2015  By:
family picture of mamta jain
In a small span of 13 years Aman did more good to this world and humanity than many of us do all our lives. Mamta Jain writes about the day her life changed forever.
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