A Handsome Gift

Posted On: May 20, 2016  By:
organ recipient
The hopes of performing India’s first hand transplant looked bleak as several brain-dead patient’s relatives had turned down our request. “Take everything else,” they had said. “Not the hands.” We had become resigned to the fact that we may never do a hand transplant.


Posted On: May 13, 2016  By:
organ body tissue donation
A person often tends to assume that body, and tissue donation are same. But all these terms have different meanings, different connotations and are governed by different laws in India and the rest of the world.


Posted On: May 6, 2016  By:
eye donation
Who would know what it is to be blind better than me. I have been blind ever since I was a child! There is no cure for my blindness, but there are lacs of people whose blindness can be cured, and here is how you can help.

Transplant Guide – An Aid To Organ Transplants

Posted On: April 29, 2016  By:
organ transplant aid
Need an organ transplant and don't know where to start? ORGAN India is pleased to announce the launch of a Transplant Guide. An all-inclusive virtual handbook of transplant centres across India, along with related information a transplant patient may require.

Punjab – Time To Break The Barriers

Posted On: February 19, 2016  By:
People of Punjab are a generous and a liberated lot. They are open to ideas and consent for organ donation by the families is not the barrier here. It is the creative and bold leadership drive both at the legislative level and at the administrative level in the state that is currently lacking.

The Cop Who Sings A Different Tune

Posted On: February 11, 2016  By:
cop's tune
Meet Muktesh Chander. The man who created Green Corridors in North India, to facilitate smooth and timely transportation of organs in a non-stop thoroughfare - no mean achievement in a chaotic and apathetic city like Delhi.


Posted On: December 19, 2015  By:
AORTA supporting organ donation
The Armed Forces Organ Retrieval & Transplantation Authority (AORTA), is a success for many reasons. Convincing relatives is little easier because of inherent feeling of camaraderie, and the ready availability of aircraft courtesy the Indian Airforce has seen organs flown in from across the country to various army hospitals.

Saving Your Skin

Posted On: November 13, 2015  By:
skin donation
There are millions of burns victims yearly in India, out of which many are crippled and disfigured while others simply die. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of cremating or burying ourselves completely, we could save a bit of us to help others after we go? Read the article and watch the 3 minute film to find out how.

Interview with Dr. Saudan Singh

Posted On: October 27, 2015  By:
organ donation questions answers
Dr. Saudan Singh is the Director, National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), the apex centre for all-India activities of coordination and networking for procurement and distribution of Organs and Tissues. He spoke to ORGAN India on NOTTO’s future plans.
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