Fathers & Sons

Posted On: October 5, 2020  By:
I will not lie by saying that I was not afraid for myself, my health, and my future life. But love of the family makes one stronger, and I was firm with my decision.

Faith, Love & My Transplanted Future

Posted On: September 18, 2020  By:
Did I really need to put my mother to make this sacrifice for me? Did I have to take a part of her body? Ashish Sangwan writes about his incredible mother, his loving family, and life ahead after a kidney transplant.

आज, कल, और आज

Posted On: August 10, 2020  By:
organ india
एक कहावत है कि अपनी खुद की नज़र अपने परिवार पर या किसी अपने पर सबसे पहले लगती है।

Hands On!

Posted On: June 29, 2020  By:
Imagine waking up with both your hands amputated. Then receiving a rare transplant surgery that gives you your hands back! Here's Shreya's story in her own words.

My Life, My Design!

Posted On: April 24, 2020  By:
My Life, My Design
The universe works in mysterious ways. When we are open, we are rewarded in ways that are unimaginable.

Fighting For Life

Posted On: January 23, 2020  By:
I was 23 when I discovered that I was born with only one kidney - and it was failing.
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