I will not lie by saying that I was not afraid for myself, my health, and my future life. But love of the family makes one stronger, and I was firm with my decision.
Did I really need to put my mother to make this sacrifice for me? Did I have to take a part of her body? Ashish Sangwan writes about his incredible mother, his loving family, and life ahead after a kidney transplant.
एक कहावत है कि अपनी खुद की नज़र अपने परिवार पर या किसी अपने पर सबसे पहले लगती है।
When do you need a lung transplant? Is it safe? Is life normal after a transplant? Is it a cure for COVID-19? Dr. T. Paul Ramesh (along with some of his patients) answers all your questions.
Imagine waking up with both your hands amputated. Then receiving a rare transplant surgery that gives you your hands back! Here's Shreya's story in her own words.
Ankita Shrivastava is the Director of Direll Innovations Pvt. Ltd., which is continuously ....
The universe works in mysterious ways. When we are open, we are rewarded in ways that are unimaginable.
We are living in unprecedented times. I, for one, cannot recall any incident in my lifetime...
I was 23 when I discovered that I was born with only one kidney - and it was failing.
The year was 2007 when we first got to know that my father was suffering from Liver Cirrhosis. I was just in my 10th grade when I saw...